![Hope [1]](/media/commerce_products/143/0992-s4-hope.jpg)
1971; original 40 x 30 cm
reproduction: printed 200 gsm satin
120% (approx.) original size
custom size on request
Positive Attitudes
Hope [1]
Editors' note: Hope is an aspect of love. This is one positive emotion almost everyone has. Unfortunately, most put their hope in
either the body or their possessions. Hope in other people and ideals can lead to hope in your own spirit in relation to God. Hope in God is
part of love on a high level. Abdullah believes that the only genuine hope is to understand that Allah is compassionate and merciful, giving
us the possibility of perfecting ourselves in this lifetime. Abdullah encourages us to ‘emulate the Lord’s example’ and have hope that we
will make this Earth a fit place for all to live in harmony.